The Good People to Follow On Twitter

Right now it is toss between Whitney and Adele on the most followed people on Twitter.  A week ago, it was Madonna and the Super Bowl which were the most widely tweeted about.  Other than famous celebrities, who are  good people to follow on twitter, those who are worthy of our time and energy?  Here are some suggestions for you to ponder.

1.  When family members are away from each other, Twitter is one of the best ways to connect with them.  These people are primarily the best people to follow on Twitter.  Families are important. They are our basic source of inspiration, support, and strength.  Friend and acquaintances will leave you in times of trouble, but your family will always be there beside you when you are down and out.

2.  Some of our friends might live within the vicinity, but they are still some of the best people to follow on Twitter.  In this age of technological wonders, distance and space is no longer a problem with regards to maintaining and improving friendly relationships.  Friends might not give the same strength and support like your family members can give you but just the same they are as important as our parents, brothers, and sisters.  You can rely on them in some of your lesser problems.

3.  If Mahatma Gandhi is still alive, people will definitely follow him.  People like him are definitely one of the good people to follow on Twitter.  Their wisdom and ideas are worthy of our time in the network.  Gandhi and other inspirational leaders dead or alive provide us the healthy ideas to nourish our spirit and continue to fight against our very own struggles.

4.  People like Anderson Cooper and other print and TV journalist are also some of the best and good people to follow on Twitter.  They give us updates on what is happening around us.  It is important that we should be aware of current events so that we can be able to identify with issues which affects us and helps us adjust our lives.

5.  People like Ellen, Oprah, and Martha Stewart are also some of the best and good people to follow on Twitter.  They do not only share updates, but also gives us insights on how to confront personal issues.  We need people who can empathize with us and help us address our problems.

Following these people will help in building twitter followers that also  find these type of people influential in their lives. What about you who are the people that you follow on Twitter.  Are they worth their time?

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I’m totally not making up the numbers on that particular statement. That number is backed …

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